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Decision Support Consultancy B.V. (DESC) is a consultancy company providing creativity, intelligence and experience to its customers.

This enables them to outperform competition in the areas of plant production, sales and innovation.

Engineering Consultancy
DESC provides consultation in optimizing the operation of petrochemical plants. We focus on maximizing the production and product quality/stability while minimizing specific energy consumption. Do you need a second opinion or simply a fresh look on your operation, plant design or work practice? DESC can study your potentials.

Sales Consultancy
DESC has developed a unique business concept to aid automation vendors in their selling process. It is called Pay-On-Award. In this concept DESC reduces the R&D and risk content of a sales pursuit and at the same time increases the success rate of winning. We offer this concept with zero risk and minimal cost.

Innovation Consultancy
DESC takes pride in coming up with ‘out-of-the-box’ ideas to solve today’s problems. DESC focuses on developing new technologies for the industry.